■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 101- 最新50
1 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2009/08/20(木) 00:27:02 ID:/nVODFJc
                  FINAL FANTASY IX
【発売日】2000年7月7日(日本国内) / 【発売元】スクウェア / 【ジャンル】RPG
【価格】\8,190円(税込) / 【機種】プレイステーション / 【メディア】CD-ROM4枚
 ■アルティメイトヒッツ(廉価版) が 2006/7/20 に発売されました。


2 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2009/08/20(木) 00:27:30 ID:/nVODFJc

3 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2009/08/20(木) 00:28:16 ID:/nVODFJc




4 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2009/08/20(木) 00:28:58 ID:/nVODFJc
 もめんのローブ 1 個につき 610G 儲かる。99 個まとめて行なえば 60390G 儲かる。







5 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2009/08/20(木) 00:29:22 ID:/nVODFJc


6 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2009/08/20(木) 00:29:56 ID:/nVODFJc
ジャベリン 店…リンドブルム ※…セイブザクイーンの合成素材

スターのサイン 場所…リンドブルム(劇場街) 時期…ギザマルークの洞窟に入るまで
モーグリの着ぐるみ 場所…リンドブルム(劇場街) 時期…ギザマルークの洞窟に入るまで


エアラケット 店…南ゲート(山頂の駅) トレノ ※…司祭のラケットの合成素材
アイアンヘルム 店…南ゲート(山頂の駅)
エスカッション 店…南ゲート(山頂の駅) ※ セイブザクイーンの合成素材
チェインメイル 店…トレノ クレイラの街 リンドブルム ※1…パワーベルトの合成素材 ※2…パワーベルトはグランドヘルムの合成素材

ミニブルメシア 場所…リンドブルム(劇場街) 時期…フォッシル・ルーの出口に行くまで

7 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2009/08/20(木) 00:30:40 ID:/nVODFJc
ゾーリンシェイプ 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後) ダゲレオ ブラン・バル パンデモニウム
※1…サルガタナスとマサムネの合成素材 ※2…サルガタナスは盗賊のこての合成素材
ミスリルソード 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐前) ※…グランドアーマーの合成素材
ダイヤソード 店…ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後)
フレイムタン 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後)
ルーンブレイド 店…ダゲレオ
トライデント 店…ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス
ヘヴィランス 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後)
オベリスク 店…ダゲレオ
ミスリルクロー 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐前) ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス
シザーズファング 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後)
タイガーファング 店…ダゲレオ ※…デュエルクローの合成素材
アスラのロッド 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後) ダゲレオ
妖精のファイフ 店…ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス
ヒューメルーン 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後) ダゲレオ
八角棒 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後) ダゲレオ
銀のフォーク 店…ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後)
バンダナ 店…黒魔道士の村 ※…シルクのローブの合成素材
グリーンベレー 店…ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス
黒頭巾 店…エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後)
ダイヤのこて 店…ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス エスト・ガザ エーコ(誘拐後)
レザープレイト 店…黒魔道士の村
チェインプレイト 店…黒魔道士の村
ミスリルベスト 店…黒魔道士の村 エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐前) ※…ブレイブスーツの合成素材
柔術道着 店…ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後)
ゴールドアーマー 店…ウイユヴェール デザートエンプレス エスト・ガザ(エーコ誘拐後)
ダイヤアーマー 店…ダゲレオ

モッカ・コーヒー 場所 南ゲート(ボーデンアーチ) 時期…輝きの島突入まで
石板(赤青黄緑) 場所…コンデヤ・パタ山道 時期…輝きの島突入まで
アスリート・クイーン 場所…アレクサンドリア(大通り) 時期…ビビ操作時小劇場へ行くまで
村長のカギ 場所…ダリの村(村長の家) 時期…トレノのカードゲーム大会開催時 ※…ブルマン・コーヒーの入手に必須

クポの実 場所…いろいろ 時期…モグネット本部復活まで ※…手紙配達時にクポの実を所持していない場合入手

8 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2009/08/20(木) 00:33:33 ID:/nVODFJc


9 :クリア=トライバル:2009/08/20(木) 08:13:09 ID:93EqjYw+



10 :クリア:2009/08/21(金) 16:02:37 ID:KTudPmik


11 :◇ サボテン ◆wWwwwwWvVI :2009/08/21(金) 20:25:52 ID:dxdyyVN+

12 :クリア:2009/08/22(土) 08:33:04 ID:nkhDDDRM


13 :◆wWwwwwWvVI :2009/08/22(土) 09:25:53 ID:yiNN0k6s


14 :クリア:2009/08/22(土) 11:09:39 ID:e21hi+5I

15 :らむちゃん:2010/08/10(火) 12:26:54 ID:GQ+jG4Bc

16 :らむちゃん:2010/08/10(火) 12:27:07 ID:GQ+jG4Bc

17 :らむちゃん:2010/08/10(火) 12:27:53 ID:GQ+jG4Bc

18 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2014/11/25(火) 15:11:06 ID:4QKvOmMM

19 :eダイエット:2015/04/01(水) 16:29:23 ID:+DV1zWjw

20 :↑毒です↑↑毒です↑:2015/05/21(木) 21:06:09 ID:5ARLUcnc

21 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:29 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

22 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:32 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

23 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:33 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

24 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:35 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

25 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:36 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

26 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:38 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

27 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:39 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

28 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:41 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

29 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:42 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

30 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:44 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

31 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:45 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

32 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:47 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

33 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:49 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

34 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:50 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

35 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:52 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

36 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:53 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

37 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:55 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

38 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:56 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

39 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:58 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

40 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:00:59 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

41 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:01 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

42 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:03 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

43 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:04 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

44 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:05 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

45 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:07 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

46 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:08 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

47 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:10 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

48 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:11 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

49 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:13 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

50 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:14 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

51 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:15 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

52 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:17 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

53 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:19 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

54 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:20 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

55 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:21 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

56 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:23 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

57 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:24 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

58 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:26 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

59 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:27 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

60 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:29 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

61 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:30 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

62 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:32 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

63 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:33 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

64 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:35 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

65 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:36 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

66 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:38 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

67 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:39 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

68 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:40 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

69 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:42 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

70 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:43 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

71 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:45 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

72 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:46 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

73 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:48 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

74 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:49 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

75 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:51 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

76 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:52 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

77 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:54 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

78 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:55 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

79 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:57 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

80 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:01:58 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

81 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:00 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

82 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:01 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

83 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:03 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

84 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:04 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

85 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:06 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

86 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:07 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

87 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:09 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

88 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:10 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

89 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:12 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

90 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:13 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

91 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:15 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

92 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:16 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

93 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:17 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

94 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:19 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

95 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:20 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

96 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:22 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

97 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:23 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

98 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:25 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

99 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:26 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

100 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:28 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

101 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:29 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

102 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:31 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

103 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:32 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

104 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:34 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

105 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:36 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

106 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:37 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

107 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:38 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

108 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:40 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

109 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:41 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

110 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:43 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

111 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:44 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

112 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:46 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

113 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:47 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

114 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:49 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

115 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:50 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

116 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:52 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

117 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:53 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

118 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:55 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

119 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:56 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

120 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:58 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

121 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:02:59 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

122 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:01 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

123 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:02 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

124 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:04 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

125 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:05 ID:hlOawq6U

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

126 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:07 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

127 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:08 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

128 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:10 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

129 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:11 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

130 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:13 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

131 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:14 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

132 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:15 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

133 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:17 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

134 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:18 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

135 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:20 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

136 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:21 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

137 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:23 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

138 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:24 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

139 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:26 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

140 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:27 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

141 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:29 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

142 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:30 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

143 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:32 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

144 :名無しさん@えむちゃん:2017/11/12(日) 19:03:33 ID:uXoiLpFs

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.
Tomio Umezawa "... cute face and gracefully hey hey this bastard ... finished up soon ...
Jurjulu ... Goop! Gupopo ... Jurjul Lulu! Goodupo Bubu ...!"
I "Ha Ah ...! Tomio! Tomio Ooh! Gou ... !!"
Tomio gets up and down violently in my crotch.
My stuff gets shiny and shiny, and Tomi's saliva and my sperm are mixed each time the up and down movement is repeated,
severely sexual mucus drips off.
Mine, who stood up to the limit, unleashes all of her desires inside Tomio's mouth.
I: "Oh ... Huh! Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ......!
Tomio ... Tomi was good ..."
Umezawa Tomio "... Gokun! ... ... is a moment ... ... you bastard this bastard!
It is such a bastard going out soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I ... "Are you all looking forward to Tomio ... not an enemy, to you ..."
Umezawa Tomio "Naturally you idiot ... this is the real dream play from here"
Me and Tomio asked each other over and over again many times until the evening came.

I "Oh ... It feels really good, Tomio"
Tomio tenderly envelops my stuff with its stiff hands.
With reasonably good tightening and comfortable warmth, the mouth will loose unintentionally.
Umezawa Tomio "How stupid is ... ... How is it like this? Chirochiro ..."
I "Wow ... Ku ... !!"
Tomio taunts the tip of the glans head with mischief.
It's polite and delicate tongue use that is not similar to the looks that seems to be strong.
I feel that the feeling of ejaculation rises rapidly due to too much comfort.

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